Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I was told there'd be summer.

jeans, floral blouse, square rings and M tote: F21
boots: vintage
cardigan and midi ring: UO
jacket and spike necklace: H&M

I know I look like a floating torso 99% of the time but I promise I do own more than just that one pair of black pants. I'll have you know I own two.

I was actually pretty festive (from the waist up) when I left the house, but the weather turned into a schizophrenic extreme sun/cold wind hybrid and on went the jacket. I don't even remember where I went or what I did that day but I'm pretty certain I looked crabby whilst doing it. It's the wind that does it- I leave the house with every hair in place, feeling moderately cute, and I arrive at my destination looking like Professor Snape with flippy ends and a scowl. I have to stuff what little hair I have left into a micro-ponytail and carry on.

Next post: It just wouldn't be me unless I was whining about the outdoors, but one out of 1,000 photos of me contains an actual smile. For you, my tens of readers. I'll do it for you.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

City beach

blouse & shoes: vintage
jacket: thrifted (Gap)
pants: Forever 21
pins: ???
sunglasses: UO

I'm super not into the outdoors, but last week I was dragged spent a lovely day off in the sun exploring the city. After walking the entire perimeter of the Jackie O Reservoir in Central Park, then sitting on the East River beach and staring for an extended period, here is what I learned:

1. Water is nice
2. Geese do not care what you think

Learn with me next time, as I explore the true meaning of Cinco de Mayo and hashtag what I'm eating for dinner with reckless abandon.