hat, sunglasses, bag, necklace: UO
cardigan, shoes: thrifted
dress: F21
I've been up since 7 a.m., unable to sleep. I'm also unable to figure out how to turn the tv on because we recently got a whole bunch of new electronics, like a blu-ray player and an Xbox, which has added about a dozen new remote controls into the mix, so the old regular one no longer works. And I'm a hundred years old. I feel like I'm waiting for my grandson to come over and show me how to press an effing button. RANDY WAKE UP.
In other gripping news, I have the day off. Intense things are going to happen, like washing my hair and shopping in Coventry. Expect pictures.
Of Coventry, not of me washing my hair. Ew, you're weird.
The sound of the local crackheads talking to themselves is drifting in through the window, and the cat is off in my dressing room making pukey noises, preparing to ruin something that I love. It's another magical morning in Cleveland.
grandma mary.