Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bellavance FW 2013, Milk Studios

Nolan Bellavance and Ava Hama debuted their first collection earlier last month and I managed to elbow my way to the front of the room (stopping briefly to pluck an unidentified hors d'oeuvre off of a tray) to get to the gothy goodness. The patent-leather trimmed jacket made me all happy and the floral dresses looked super modern and sleek paired with boots and dark red lipstick (which I'm seeking out today).

In other news, I have consumed nothing but juice in the last 36 hours (you know, for science) and I'm feeling slightly less crappy than last night. I was told that today, day 2 of 3,  might be a good day to stay in bed, but I think I would just end up feeling worse. Lethargy and hunger are not something I want to lay in bed with for the next 12 hours so I'm going to do...something. ACTIVITIES. Headache be damned.

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