Thursday, September 12, 2013

At home.

dress // Sugarlips Apparel (similar look here)
jacket // Bernardo
boots // Steve Madden "Repo"
switchblade necklace // NastyGal (on super sale by the way.)
bag // Steve Madden
hat // H&M

Today I got to hang out with the ladies behind some of my favorite blogs, Brooklyn BlondeKeiko Lynn and My Style Pill at T.J Maxx in Manhattan and talk fall fashion. I picked up this bag and leather bomber jacket while I was there- notice how un-black they are. Some recent photos of myself made it appear that I was perpetually on my way to a funeral and funerals are not sexy. Usually.

Not pictured: a Pleione cable-knit pullover which I purchased and thought, "too bad it's 90 degrees out and I cannot wear this. My life is hard". Fortunately my disgruntled cab driver cranked the air conditioning to subzero temperatures and I got to put it on. Because he knew.

Happy thirsty Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. The jewelry is so cute

    Will you like to check out my blog and follow eachother
