Tuesday, September 27, 2011


shirt: american apparel (randy's)
jeans: cheap monday
shoes: avalon exchange
headband: american apparel
bag: H&M

Today's outfit post is brought to us by the bad-assest mom in the world, Cher. We had a fun day together in Euclid at a bunch of new thrift stores that opened up recently. I got crabby halfway through the second one because it had been approximately, like, an hour and ten minutes since I had last eaten, and mom was pretty much all, "whatevs, I'm just going to keep shopping." She wouldn't let me take any pictures of her, but I dug one up on the interwebs of us and my father the night of my college graduation. Tough nuggets, mama.

                                                                                                 ^ crazy eyes

Isn't she cute?!?!? She even let me borrow her fancy camera for an undisclosed amount of time, provided I bring it back to her promptly and don't let the cat puke on it. 

            I GUESS, MOM.

I'm going to continue drinking wine and watching Mad Men Season 1 on this newfangled Netflix with the boyfriend.

Always a little behind the times,



  1. Awww you look so lovely darling, mum's are always going to be the best friends that never let you down

    Eda ♥

